Our Vision, Mission and Values
Working with steel since 1974, Alpine Group’s main strength is our people. We are recognised for providing creative solutions and our ability to collaborate through our outstanding project management. Our flexibility means clients find us a good fit to work with. We go all out to ensure our clients are satisfied and delighted with the finished results.

Our vision is to become the most recognized turnkey staircase supplier by offering innovative solutions with professional enthusiasm.

It is our Mission to take your project from design through to completion, by offering innovative solutions developed through our experience and expertise. With early collaboration we will manage your expectations and risk by advising on Specification, Budget and Programme.
- Mistakes happen, being honest and upfront is encouraged and helps to stop us making the same mistakes twice.
- Always under promise and over deliver. Managing the customers’ expectations is a must.
- Consider the contractual position of both parties before acting and when working to find a win-win outcome.
- Work to be the preferred supplier, creating partnerships. Leave the customer wanting to work with Alpine again.
- Always be prepared to lend a hand and give advice.
- If at fault be quick to resolve the issue, and if others are at fault be quick to help find them a solution, be slow to point a finger, count to 10 before jumping to conclusion. There are always misunderstandings. Find the facts, find a solution, be firm and fair.
- In challenging circumstances, look at the bigger picture, act with professionalism. Treat others as you wish to be treated, be the example.
- Go the extra mile to find a solution, keep pushing for a result.
- We don’t coast. Never assume ‘the ball’s in their court’ (if it is, go and get it). Never let the customer chase you.
- A project will NEVER automatically end up on time, on budget, with a happy customer, it takes passion and energy.
- Think outside the box.